Toldis - Toldi - toldi Travel to Central Asia, via Poland Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Pyrenees, Normandy, Greece, Albania, Serbia, Bosnia, Romania, Hungary, North Macedonia, Pyrenees, France, Spain, Morocco, Gibraltar, South America, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Santiago de Chile, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia,
I am Toldi mascot, my task
Bring luck and be careful - my motto
We are and will remain healthy , but something can always happen and it is important to look for suitable health insurance cover. We are already insured in Germany and will first inquire with the following two insurers and then decide
The ADAC's international travel insurance is very well known after checking the online offer because it provides decent service at an acceptable price and does not differentiate between North America and the rest of the world.
Acceptable contribution for health insurance
discount for ADAC members
insurance coverage worldwide at the same price
Maximum duration of two years, after which return home necessary
deductible of 50 euros per claim
Hanse Merkur
The long-term international health insurance from Hanse Merkur is one of the best known. I have been using this insurance for years, but without ever having tested it (fortunately).
Insurance possible for up to 5 years
Premium refund in case of early termination of travel
Return home possible for 6 weeks per travel year
Tariffs are not the same worldwide