Toldis - Toldi - toldi Travel to Central Asia, via Poland Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Pyrenees, Normandy, Greece, Albania, Serbia, Bosnia, Romania, Hungary, North Macedonia, Pyrenees, France, Spain, Morocco, Gibraltar, South America, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Santiago de Chile, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia,
I am Toldi mascot, my task
Bring luck and be careful - my motto
about us :
Dear friends,
Both of us Gabi & Wini have after a long working life and
In retirement at over 65 years of age, the thirst for adventure has once again taken hold. Getting to know distant countries, cultures and people.
To make sure everything goes well, our loyal companion Toldi has been with us on every trip for over 30 years. He has to go through it. (He was against it, he says he'll never be able to retire like this).
So that you can see that we are still here after a long time, we have designed this website (this is our first attempt, so please be patient if not everything is perfect).
We hope that you enjoy our pictures and information and say,
we are off, your Gabi & Wini &